Tuesday, September 20, 2011

clinic days

Today was a fairly typical clinic day for me. I finished a class III pt. in the morning. He got in a car accident on the way to the clinic the last time he was scheduled so I was relieved when he showed up in one piece. Everything went smoothly on him. It was fun because we learned the right and left ultrasonic yesterday and I only had two quads left so I took some time to experiment with them. I started with the triple bend and knocked off all the big calculus. I have learned to love that triple bend quite a lot today. Then I moved to the right and left. They really were so much easier to get into those deeper pockets in the posterior. Then I used my slimline. Then moved on to handscaling. It was the easiest time I have ever had with a class III. There was only a little bit left on him to handscale by the end. SO much less hand fatigue. Loved it. My only complaint is the amount of switching the inserts. My ultrasonic doesn't quite reach the sink so my floor was soaked by the end of his apt.
The afternoon went well too. I seriously need to learn Spanish. My patient was about 60 and had never been to the dentist before. Awesome. You couldn't see the back of her lower anteriors through the calculus bridge. The health history was quite the experience for me. We had a serious language barrier problem. I got creative and was typing phrases in google translator but then couldn't understand her replys. Plan B: called Todd and had her talk to him and then had him tell me what she said. It took some time but we got it done. Then I looked in her mouth. Class IV. Cool. Once again used all the new ultrasonic gadgets and had the same result as the morning. No missed spots. Wonderful learning day. I have four patients scheduled for next tues. It's gonna be an intense one.

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