Friday, September 16, 2011


Today is the nitrous lab. Yeah I have been looking forward to this. Me and Tori are going to get high together, haha. So it was a pretty chill day. I haven't slept all week so it was a good. We all hung out in a group and chatted while people were up on nitrous. Fun stuff. Turns out I really like the stuff. I just wanted to stay and sleep a while.

Technical Difficulties

Yeah for Nitrous! Hook me up

Waiting for my turn.

Dr. Hansen's awesome socks.

Oh how I love Dental Hygiene

Dr. Naylor loves Nitrous


  1. K so, I like the photo of Adrienne: Cute, Dr. Hanson's socks: Sweetness, and Dr. Naylor with the bozo nose: check out Emily in the background.

  2. This day was so fun!! I love the pics this will be such a great memory!
