Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Finally some 1As!

So Heather was incredibly generous and let me see her two adorable cousins so I could meet my 1A requirements. They were so cute and well behaved. It was a breeze to clean them after some of the uncooperative kids from the Children's Health Connection. Got some sealants done and finished fast. It was a great morning. They were cracking me up the whole time. Then for the afternoon I had Todd come in...this time as the pt. and not the translator. It was good that he came in cause he had a cavity too! Todd has had one cavity in the whole time we have known each other, and that was after never flossing and not going to the dentist for 6 years. Lately we have been going through an orange juice phase and it shows. He had two incipient caries, guess what that means....fl varnish every night! Bet he will love that. It really drove home for me why we give diet suggestions as a dental hygienist.

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