Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Relaxing day

After a slight scramble and panic last night the day turned out quite well. Bless Todd for putting up with all my crazy. When two patients cancelled last night it was Todd that saved my tush and called a bunch of pts while I had a little tantrum in the corner. Then he once again came and translated for me. Want to know the secret to getting class III pts... know Spanish...or have a very generous husband that does and is willing to come sit and watch me clean teeth for 4 hours every single Tuesday. He should have made Dental Hygiene his career because he logged more clinic hours than I have.
Today was fun. Had a Spanish 1B in the morning. I am learning a lot about sensitivity and how to play detective to get to the bottom of what is causing it. Then I saw my mom in the afternoon. So relaxing, I like her. She has the cleanest teeth I have seen all semester. Love it, I might get used to this easy pt. thing after all.


  1. What a cute husband! You are so lucky:). Way to go on finding class III's.

  2. Basically I need to learn Spanish. My patient and I yesterday had a grand old time speaking to each other in our broken phrases. She was definitely better at speaking English than I was at speaking Spanish, so she tried to teach me a few things. Ha ha.
