Tuesday, January 3, 2012

First Day Back: VA Boot fun

Today was quite the jolt back into reality. It was kind of strange starting the semester out at the VA and not in class. Felt a little bit stupid with my double boot madness. I thought when I had the surgery that I would be out of boots by this point. Wrong. I brought a slipper to slip on so I could run the rheostat. To be specific I grabbed the right foot slipper because I am right handed. Didn't think that through too well since I actually run the rheostat with my left foot, oops. So I was gonna double boot it the whole day. It was amusing to say the least. I couldn't feel how much pressure I was putting on the pedal so I accidentally kept spraying my morning patient in the face with the ultrasonic. I bet he liked that. Then I had a new Dr. come and check my pt. I wasn't positive what his name was which created problems when he was walking the opposite way and I was trying to catch him in my two huge boots. I finally ended up yelling a mumbled version of what I thought his name was and hoped he would hear it as whatever his name really was. Good plan huh. I chased him around the entire square in the building before I got desperate enough to do this. Great fun. Welcome back to school.

1 comment:

  1. OMG Leigh! I can totally picture you hustling down the hall (clank, clank, clank, clank) as your boots hit the ground and you mumbling Dr. ERKEWJ. You are hilarious and I have truly enjoyed getting to know you!
