Wednesday, October 27, 2010


Today we learned the air powder polisher. I don't think I would ever actually use that on a patient unless I REALLY disliked them. That thing does NOT taste like mint at all. It is not fun to have done on you at all, too much salt and sand. You feel like you just went swimming in the ocean after except that there was an extreme sand storm on the beach as you went swimming that. Karlie likes it up her nose too. FYI the foot pedal is slightly more sensitive than you would think. It's been a while since I polished anyone too so that was a fun reminder of how to do that. Good times at the clinic...

Monday, October 25, 2010

Fun times in the clinic

Nothing to particular to blog about today except that I forgot my camera for the millionth time. I will remember eventually. The sonicare is doing it's job and I had a not quite as purple mouth today. Scaling is starting to make some sense even if I still go at the speed of a snail. Professor Hanson is brilliant. I hate 9 o'clock position and would do everything in 8 if I could. Got lucky and had Karlie as a partner again, wouldn't mind if that happened every time.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Karlie the amazing dental hygienist

Today I was a dummy, just like good old typodont, so I will blog about Karlie instead. She did great, I would highly recommend her as your hygienist. Passed off four PE's like a champ. And she really loved that I didn't brush my teeth today, nice and purple. Also I found out I repeat myself a lot in OHI. That pretty much covers it. Also bisecting is lame. And so is Dex 3. But Kayla is cool. The end

Monday, October 18, 2010


Today was awesome. Mostly cause I got to hang out with Karlie and that makes me feel cool, even if she is forced to sit in my chair. Today we ran through all of the skills we have been learning in one day and guess what it makes a lot more sense when they are put all together. It was fun. I still need tons and tons and tons of practice on all things scaling but its all good. So glad my first real patient is Todd. He has to love me no matter what haha and I will test him.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


I have a 4 pocket! And calculus! You know it's bad when the student working on you gets a huge smile on their face like they just got a present. Yeah I'm going to be even more paranoid when I flossing 20 times a day now than I regularly am. And Todd thinks I am embarrassing when I pull the floss out of my purse in the car now, it's about to get worse. Today was so fun other than the tragic pocket. Someday I might get the hang of scaling. Yeah for fall break. Guess I better go take my radiology test so it can start.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Purple everywhere

Well today was a little bit embarrassing. Luckily Jodie is nice and didn't make fun of my purple mouth too much. Disclosing agent will be a great patient education tool and I'm glad I won't have to be disclosing in front of the patient. They might just walk out and tell me I have no idea what I am doing if they had seen my mouth today. I also learned that I am going to have to remember the number of surfaces I'm counting a lot better. I kept having to ask Jodie how many surfaces I had just barely said. I'm glad we are getting closer to the practice days. I really need to cement some of this stuff before my brain yells overload and dumps it all.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Passed off the probe and I didn't have a heartattack

Today we learned the universal blue scaler. I thought it was a bit hard to get the angling down. Working stroke is also a lot harder than it sounds. You would think it is pretty straight forward to know that you have to use the blade end of the instrument to get the calculus off but when you actually put the instrument in the mouth you suddenly cant find the blade. Fun stuff. Today was a good day in radiology too. Love it when the long day goes relatively smoothly.

Monday, October 4, 2010

anterior scaling is so much fun...

Today was cool. We are dressed in purple, and got to learn how to use the purple anterior scaler, feeling a little too much school spirit. First time with a blade. It was actually really cool. I can't wait until next year when all of this is second nature, but until then I will enjoy learning and poking my patient.