Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Cap and Gown

I picked up my cap and gown today!!!!

Monday, April 9, 2012

Welcome Meeting

Today was the welcome meeting for the class of 2014.  Guess what I did, sat up top and pitied the little darlings coming in.  That deer in the headlight look has no idea what they are in for.  The 1st years did a great job on their video.  I thought that it was pretty accurate to what Prof. Costley's nightmares really are like.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Stan the Man

Only one more clinic day left!!!  I can't believe we are finally here!  Today was fun.  I saw a mom of a family that was spread throughout the clinic.  She was a runner and we ended up knowing a ton of the same people.  Needless to say we sat and talked for a majority of the time.  She even knew my sister-in-law and brother.
Then I saw her cute daughter.  I spent the whole time trying to convince her to go into dental hygiene.  I figure any teenager that flosses in between her permanent retainer that is attached to every tooth is predestined to become a hygienist.
My afternoon patient is my favorite patient of all time.  He is the sweetest guy.  We had a grand old time chit chatting and he even told me to let me know where I end up working and he will switch to that office!
I think the hardest thing about real offices is going to be the time constraints.  And not because I can't clean fast enough but because I want to chit chat with everyone for so long!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Last VA day

Today was a bit bittersweet for me.  I am one of two people in my class that loves the VA.  I am sad to see it go but so so happy to be graduating.  I love the girls in my group and riding down with them.  I learn new things about them on the ride.  For example: Karlie W. can change the oil and her jeep, and look pretty hardcore while changing it.
We got lunch from Biaggis, which was amazing, to celebrate.  I had an awesome patient to end with there.  I haven't gotten to see any hard patients this semester because I had plenty last semester and some of my classmates are lacking on the requirements.  So the semester has been filled with 1B's and V's.  Today my patient had calculus everywhere.  But it was the dream calculus that comes off so easy.  He was so so much fun to clean.  His teeth were great besides the calculus too.  No cavities or anything problematic.  And as a huge bonus, my loupes didn't make me feel like I was floating on the ceiling.  I don't know what I did this time that was different but it was so awesome.  I wore them the entire appt.  So cool.  I'm super excited right now.