Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Cap and Gown

I picked up my cap and gown today!!!!

Monday, April 9, 2012

Welcome Meeting

Today was the welcome meeting for the class of 2014.  Guess what I did, sat up top and pitied the little darlings coming in.  That deer in the headlight look has no idea what they are in for.  The 1st years did a great job on their video.  I thought that it was pretty accurate to what Prof. Costley's nightmares really are like.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Stan the Man

Only one more clinic day left!!!  I can't believe we are finally here!  Today was fun.  I saw a mom of a family that was spread throughout the clinic.  She was a runner and we ended up knowing a ton of the same people.  Needless to say we sat and talked for a majority of the time.  She even knew my sister-in-law and brother.
Then I saw her cute daughter.  I spent the whole time trying to convince her to go into dental hygiene.  I figure any teenager that flosses in between her permanent retainer that is attached to every tooth is predestined to become a hygienist.
My afternoon patient is my favorite patient of all time.  He is the sweetest guy.  We had a grand old time chit chatting and he even told me to let me know where I end up working and he will switch to that office!
I think the hardest thing about real offices is going to be the time constraints.  And not because I can't clean fast enough but because I want to chit chat with everyone for so long!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Last VA day

Today was a bit bittersweet for me.  I am one of two people in my class that loves the VA.  I am sad to see it go but so so happy to be graduating.  I love the girls in my group and riding down with them.  I learn new things about them on the ride.  For example: Karlie W. can change the oil and her jeep, and look pretty hardcore while changing it.
We got lunch from Biaggis, which was amazing, to celebrate.  I had an awesome patient to end with there.  I haven't gotten to see any hard patients this semester because I had plenty last semester and some of my classmates are lacking on the requirements.  So the semester has been filled with 1B's and V's.  Today my patient had calculus everywhere.  But it was the dream calculus that comes off so easy.  He was so so much fun to clean.  His teeth were great besides the calculus too.  No cavities or anything problematic.  And as a huge bonus, my loupes didn't make me feel like I was floating on the ceiling.  I don't know what I did this time that was different but it was so awesome.  I wore them the entire appt.  So cool.  I'm super excited right now.

Friday, March 30, 2012


We presented at NCUR today.  It was actually pretty cool.  I thought our project had kindof bombed because of scheduling problems and lack of participation but we still accomplished some good stuff.  It was fun to talk to people about it.  One lady even wanted to try to implement 2nd life in her school class.  We told her that one of the problems we had was that the students didn't have updated enough computers to handle loading 2nd life.  Her response to that was that all of the kids in her school were given ipads.  I think I picked the wrong school to go to.
We met some really interesting people from all over the nation.  It was neat.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

TA day

This week I had both Tuesday and Wednesday off.  It was glorious.  I wasn't feeling all that motivated to say the least after my days off.  I have finished my requirements and figured I would just show up and call someone or see some of the walk ins that seem to be suddenly showing up every day.  Yeah I know, lazy.
I lucked out when a first year student called me and said her patient could only come in on my day and she had talked to the instructors who said that she could take the chair of someone who is finished with their requirements, aka me.  The catch was that I still had to come to clinic and "supervise."
So I came and helped everyone chart and then just hung out with Olivia.  She did a great job and didn't need too much help.  I passed off her PE's and did a scale check and pretty much was her personal TA.  Lucky girl huh.
Anyway it was not a bad day, I went home feeling even lazier than when I came.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Goodbye Requirements!

Today I had my last kid requirement scheduled for the morning.  This is the fifth day that I have scheduled a kid and not had them show up.  I was pretty darn frustrated.  I finally gave up and called my sister-in-law to bring in my two year old niece.  She was nice enough to bring her in even though she was super sick.  I had a walk in class V until she got there.  She wouldn't let me do anything really, as predicted.  I felt so bad because I walked away and she turned to her mom and asked if this was the doctors!  I think she thought she was there for a shot.  Poor little girl, no wonder she was scared.  Then when I told her that my friend wanted to take a look at her teeth she covered her mouth and started crying.    As soon as we walked out of the intimidating clinic she was trying to show everyone her new toothbrush and prize.  I was so grateful that she was willing to come in.  I hope she isn't traumatized.
My afternoon patient was the mom in a family of a bunch of kids that came down from Idaho.  She was super nice.  Her kids would all come sit by us and talk after they were done getting their teeth cleaned.  It was fun to sit and chat with them all.  My favorite was her little six year old boy.  He was so excited I let him put on a glove and hold the suction.  He kept telling me he wanted to be a dentist.  So cute.
I still needed six injections and Karen was kind enough to let me do hers.  I think it was a win for both of us because he was a bit of a pain!  It was actually a really good experience for me.  He have very abnormal anatomy.  When I went to do the IA he would only open his mouth about 1/2 an inch.  Then as soon as I go the needle near him he would jump so high.  I finally had to tell him to buck up and be a man.  I told him to go to his happy place and hold still with his mouth open wider or I was going to have to keep stabbing him!  He was a little more compliant after that.  I kept hitting osseous super early with the IA, only about 1/3 of the needle would go in.  The interesting part was he felt the zing of the lingual nerve and I was in the exact right spot (which was difficult considering how much he was moving) and he went numb super fast.  Crazy.  I haven't had the chance to do many IAs and none on abnormal anatomy so it was a great experience.
The VERY BEST part of the day was the end when I realized I had successfully completed ALL of my clinic requirements!!!! Woot Woot!  I am ready to graduate.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Only 1 more VA day.

Today was our second to last VA day.  So excited!
I tried my loupes once again.  Karlie W. was charting probe depths for me.  She kept asking me where a was and my eyes wouldn't focus, I was so dizzy.  I felt like my head was floating on the top of the room.  That pretty much sums up how it goes every time I try to wear them.  I try them on for 5-10 minutes and then am dizzy with a headache for the next two hours.  I don't know if they are going to work out.  I'm so sad about it.  My first patient was a sweet older man that had hearing problems.  It was so frustrating to try to tell him what was going on in his mouth and he couldn't hear a thing.  #27 was so decayed that I was afraid to even touch it.  I tried to deplaque it and tooth structure started coming out.  It was so sad.
On a good note the afternoon went super smooth.  We were all cruising.  My patient was awesome.  Such a nice guy.  And we left at 3 again.  It was Sam's birthday present!

Monday, March 19, 2012

Elementary Presentation

We went and did an elementary presentation to finish off a project for class.  It was fun.  

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Post Board Celebration

My parents took me to a Chinese restaurant to celebrate the end of my FIVE different boards.  When I snapped open my fortune cookie this was my fortune inside of it.  I thought it was rather appropriate considering what we were celebrating.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Clinical Board!!!

I was so lucky to have my sweet mother-in-law as my patient. She came and slept at my house the night before, even though she wouldn't be there until 12:30 in the morning.  I was so worried because Maren and I had no back-up patient.  We were the only ones on Friday morning and I was scared that one of ours would not qualify and we would be stuck with no patient.  Maren called me later the night before and had found one!  Took a huge load off my mind!
We got there and luckily Maren was right next to me.  Helped me relax just knowing she was there.  I signed in as quick as I could.  The chief examiner checked my paperwork and I sent her back to be checked behind the curtain with the other examiners.  She was gone for an hour and 15 minutes.  I was sure she hadn't qualified.  Maren's was also gone forever.  We were so so nervous.  They both came back and our first submissions qualified!
I have never cleaned so fast in my life.  On the mockboards I felt like I had a huge surplus of time.  I sat and rested my hands for a half hour at the last mockboard.  I couldn't believe how different it was in the real test.  I looked up and had half an hour left!  I quickly probed and rechecked everything.  It was crazy how fast time went.  I turned her in with about 3 minutes left.
Now we just have to wait for the results!

I am so grateful I chose to go to Weber.  I talked to many girls from other programs and they just were not as well prepared.  Every single one of our girls had their first submission accepted.  I think that is a real testament to our instructors.  I am so grateful for them.  

LA Clinical Board!!!

IT IS OVER!!!  It's a little surreal that the thing I have been anticipating/dreading for 2 full years now is finally over.  I have been eating, breathing, living boards for two solid months now.  I can't believe all the trash you have to go through to be a dental hygienist.  It's a little bit much.  I am so excited to get to be a real person again.
The clinical fun started durning "Spring Break"  which was actually not a break at all.  I did homework, my mentor shadowing, paniked, and organized paperwork and instruments for the first three days.  Then on Thursday was all of our Local Anesthetic clinicals.
I was a little nervous for them because I have done a grand total of ONE other IA injection this semester, and it was my mockboard, which I failed.  Yes, I was very nervous.  But I studied my little tush off and had my mom come in to practice angles with a Q-tip so I figured that whatever was going to happen was going to happen.  I was as prepared as I felt I could be without practice.
I had one of the later times for the test.  I was not scheduled until 2:15pm.  After orientation at 7:30am I went home because I couldn't handle the stress of everyone else going.  I was very productive and wrote my mentor paper and then watched some of Pride and Prejudice, my go-to show.  Then I headed back to the school about noon to see how far ahead they were.
The examiner came in and got me about 12:30 and told me I could go set up my unit and I would start my test after they got back from lunch at 1:10.  I went and set up my unit.  Emotions were crazy back there.  People who had not passed the first time were preparing for their second attempt.
When the examiner got back I brought my wonderful mother back and was chit chatting with her until the other examiner was ready.  She was all friendly and smiles.  As soon as the other examiner got there and the test began it was a total change of atmosphere.  All smiles were gone.  It was extremely unnerving.  But I was confident.
I did the IA without any incidence.  I slid right in, in the exact right spot thanks to my mothers perfect landmark triangle and anatomy.  It went smooth as butter.  Then to the PSA.  My confidence was so high.  I had my hard one out of the way and it went perfectly.  I could do the PSA in my sleep.
I went to the PSA, got in the right position, and started.  I immediately hit osseous.  They began the countdown, literally.  We have three attempts when we have hit osseous before it becomes an automatic fail.  I repositioned and again, immediately hit osseous.  I heard them say "third and final attempt."  I started to get really really nervous, confidence was wavering.  I repositioned and it slide right in.  Perfect angle, everything was great.
The examiners said they needed to go behind the curtain and talk.  My confidence was soaring.  I knew I had passed, I was ecstatic.  They came back and told me that they needed to see the PSA on the left side.  I had no idea why but I said okay and repositioned.
I retracted my mom's cheek and brought the needle into position.  Immediately the examiner behind me yelled, I mean literally yelled, "Stop and hold!  You just touched the needle to your glove!"  My heart sunk.  I didn't think I had touched it.  They left to go talk behind the curtain.  I was close to tears.  Touching your glove without noticing is an automatic fail.  A 120 dollar mistake and a chance I might not get licensed that day.  I was on an emotional ride.  I was mentally preparing for them to come back and tell me to go get my backup patient.  Even my mom was close to tears at this point.
They walked back to me and said to get a new setup and do the left side again.  My only explanation is that one examiner saw that I hadn't touched my glove.  I did the injection again.  My confidence was shattered by this point.  It didn't go that well.  I was sure I had failed.
I didn't even break down my unit until after I got my paper because I was so sure I had failed.  I talked to Jodie.  She felt the same way.  When I walked out and pulled the paper out, the pink one that meant I passed, I just broke down.
That was intense.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Mentor Shadowing

I have finished both of my mentor shadowing assignments.  I found it so helpful that I contacted my hygienist friend and went and shadowed her just for fun too.  I really really liked getting to talk to so many people in the real world.  I had a variety of hygienists, some with 23 years of experience and some with 2.  It was nice to know that they felt as inadequate as I do.  I love seeing the light at the end of the tunnel and knowing that this time will pass.  I have thoroughly enjoyed my time in this program.  I have had amazing, incredible teachers and peers.  I have met some of the most dedicated and kind people that I hope I will always be able to stay in contact with.  I know I will miss this time after it is over but shadowing made me so so excited to get out into private practice.  As I was watching them, I kept thinking that "hey, I can do that, and I could do a really good job at it."  I am still so nervous about the first week in private practice and the adjustment that comes with that but I am so excited for it as well.  I think that I have gotten such a wonderful education that can really help me to make a difference in people's lives, through their mouths haha.  All of the hygienists I shadowed did a really good job, and all of them did it their own way and with their own style.  I hope I can find a dentist that lets me keep my own style.  Yeah for hygiene.  Now if only I can finish jumping through all these hoops to get there!
Tomorrow the clinical fun begins.  Wish me luck!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Weirdest Day of Clinic Ever

Today half of the girls didn't have patients, and no one cared the least bit.  I had a sweet older couple come in the morning.  The wife didn't know she needed to pre-med so we got to hang out and have some quality chat time for quite a while.  Then MeChel was kind enough to see her while I saw her husband so we could still get them both done.  I love you MeChel.
In the afternoon I purposely scheduled my aunt so that I could finish fast and have my mom come in to practice angles for the LA clinical next week.  So glad I did.  I might stand a fighting chance next week.  Still mostly terrified but it will come regardless.  When I was stood up after to walk them out I realized there was only one other person in the clinic with a patient.  And I finish an hour and a half early.  Awesome.  You can tell that boards are upon us.  Bring it on.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Last CA ever!!!

Today I had my last CA ever.  Never again will I have to try to organize the unorganizable.  I went out with a bang.  MeChel had no patient for the afternoon and it was awesome.  What a way to end it.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Last sealant clinic of my educational career

I have really enjoyed the sealant clinics but I must say that it will be oh so awesome to have a Friday off finally!  I tried my loupes today for the first time.  Probably not my best idea ever.  Wiggly kid + new magnification that is difficult to get used to = massive headache.  I hope I can figure these darn things out.

Thursday, March 1, 2012


Today was so much fun getting to clean my sister-in-law.  Only downside?  I forgot my darn loupes.  I got them last night and was so excited to try them out.  They were sitting in my living room not being used the entire time.  How aggravating.  I never get to spend time with my sister-in-law so I had a blast getting to chat with her.  And now she has cleaner than clean teeth.  Check and check.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

How can you not love this?

We had yet another exciting day at the VA.  For our long lunch Sarah taught us all how to crochet.  I'm so excited to make a blanket.  It was actually really fun and will hopefully be the time filler I need now that boards are over.  This is why I love the VA....
P.S. We left by 3 pm.  Yeah it was rockin

Friday, February 24, 2012

Life after NBDHE

Life after written boards is so so wonderful.  On Wednesday I slept in, went to they gym, watched a movie in my robe, and just hung out all day.  LOVE IT.  I don't even care if I failed right now.  At least I can enjoy myself until I get the results.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Final Mockboard

There was something magical about this mockboard.  Not just for me, it seems like it went so much smoother for everyone I talked to.  Everyone was so much more relaxed.  Suddenly we realized that cleaning one quad in two hours is not that big of a deal.
I realize that I had it much easier that most as well.  Having my sweet mother-in-law as my patient makes for a pretty sweet deal.  Its a lot off my mind to know that I have the most reliable, accommodating patient in the world.  She would do anything in the world to make this test easier on me.
After the most relaxing test I have ever taken, and chit chatting with the girls for a half hour during the test I was excited to pass with flying colors.
Bring it on Boards....

Wednesday, February 22, 2012


Wah HaHa.  I am done.  Oh my goodness.  I totally and completely think I failed that silly test.  Okay so let me start with from the beginning.  I am not very smart.  So a week ago Karen, who is taking the test the day before me, mentioned that there was one week left to study.  So yeah I thought there was two weeks left for some reason.  Huh good planning.  Apparently my defense mechanism for the stress we have been under is to ignore the fact that anything is happening.  Not the best idea.  So I have had a serious cramming session everyday this week.  I have put in over 40 hours in one week studying for this darn thing.

Okay so this is how this thing went down.  That freaking hallway is about 40 miles long.
I started the long walk down it.  Then I walked in.  Okay I think I will skip a few details.  So I was feeling a bit discouraged taking the million question test.  The questions were all so random.  I felt like they were picking all the things they knew I had glanced at but couldn't quite remember the answer to.  Even things I knew they worded in the weirdest ways so that I had no idea what the heck was even going on.  So after 150 questions in the am part I was about ready to throw in the towel.  I always go over test questions twice so I started to go over them again.
Now it is no secret that I have what is possibly the smallest bladder known to man.  So going over that many questions twice was about all I could take.  I finally gave up reviewing half way through and left.
After talking to Sarah I ran to the bathroom as fast as I could.  I leaned over to flush after I was done and plop, I hear my phone drop right into the toilet.  I sat and stared at it for about 3 minutes deciding if it was really worth trying to get it out.  I started yelling eww eww eww and grabbed it really fast and ran to wash my hands.  Just the event to get me in the mood for another two hours of testing.
After hunting down a phone to borrow and calling Todd I met him to have a mini meltdown for the rest of the break.
Then I went in for the most ridiculous part.  The case studies.  Why, you might ask, are we answering two hours of case study questions when I took a test one week ago that was a two hour case study.  No one really knows.  Not only was it odd that we were taking yet another case study test but they were asking questions about x-rays that you couldn't see.  Yes even when you zoom in three times the x-rays were so small and dark that you couldn't answer any of the questions they were asking about them.  And every time you clicked to the next question the screen would reset and you would have to zoom in again to read any of the HH or see the x-rays again.  Not the best designed test.  You would think that with all of the students paying the ridiculous amount that we are paying for that test that they could hire someone to make it a little more realistic and less of a guessing game.
I didn't even bother trying to review those questions I just got the heck out of there.  Then I went out to lunch with Todd.  Turns out that the Pizza Factory has some screamin lunch deals.  End of Story.

Friday, February 17, 2012

UDA Convention

This year was a much better experience than last year.  The vendors were a lot nicer.  Last year as soon as they saw our student badges they turned off.  One even put this stuff back under the counter when he saw us coming.  We rode front runner down, which I love.  I am starting to get very nostalgic about loosing my student privileges.  Maybe I will just keep going for my Masters for just that reason.  Silly, I think not. I will miss riding down with my friends.  I love all of the other girls so much.  The first class I went to started off really interesting which was kind of sad since I was scheduled at the Crest booth a half hour into it.  Friday was a little bit more of a bust.  I am taking the National Dental Hygiene board exam in 3 days!  So Friday I got up and studied my little tush off and then set off on front runner for SLC.  The class we chose was totally and completely geared to dentists.  So it felt like a large waste of my study time to eat up that many hours of the day.  So sad oh well.  Wish me luck in 3 days!!!

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Process of Care

This was a silly test.  Don't really know what else to say about it.  Glad it is over.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

LA Mockboard

I am so so glad to have this done with. I have never been nervous about injections before but I haven't had the opportunity to do many injections this semester and my confidence was a bit shaken. I studied and know the landmarks but that doesn't make up for the experience you gain with abnormal anatomy and such. My cute peer pal, Marcy, came in to be my patient. I was a little bit too lateral on the IA and kept hitting osseous. Bummer. The PSA went perfectly, without a hitch. When I was cleaning my unit my rubber stopper kept getting stuck on the harpoon. I hadn't thought about that before and can't think under pressure so I just sat and stared at it for a minute. Brilliant. Luckily it was on loosely and fell off before I did something stupid. Next time, use the cotton pliers.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Dental Days, formally known as Give Kids a Smile

I was in radiology for this one again. It was a lot lot busier that the last time. We were booked solid for the first few hours. For some reason I kept getting really really young kids. I even got good x-rays on a 3 year old that was terrified. Go me. We only had a minute of free time but we did manage to write a poem this is from Maren's blog:

x-rays on children
health connection
It was such a joy!
 I hope you all appreciate the work that went into that haiku. Yes it took a while.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Crazy Sealant Clinic

So I found that I have totally and completely run out of creative titles for blog posts. If fact if we are being entirely honest, I never have been that creative with them. They have now turned painful.
Today was a sealant clinic. I really love the clinics. I love working with the kids. I got a few crazy ones. One of the little boys was so funny. He told me that the glasses made him look like a rock star. Then when I had him open his mouth it got a little bizarre. He kept making bird noises. Yes that is right, bird noises. I think it was his this hurts noise but it sounded more like a bird than anything else. He was quite the little dramatic one since he was making his "this hurts bird call" when I wasn't even touching his teeth. But at least he looked like a rock star. He was a mover and a shaker too. I kept telling him that we were going to be there all day long if he didn't keep talking and chirping. Don't think he wanted to listen. I knew there was no chance that we would ever get sealants done in this life time at that rate. Finally we gave up and stuck a bite block in his mouth. Best idea ever. Thank you Julie. We made it to the end finally.

My second patient was a cute little kid. She had the best teeth I had seen yet in all of the sealant clinics we had done. She was also my first experience with.... drum roll please....head lice! So I learned quite a lot. I had noticed that she had dandruff pretty bad but didn't realize it that there was also lice. Here is the difference. Dandruff is lots of different sizes, is not attached to the hair follicle and is right next to the scalp. Lice can be a few inches down on the hair follicle, is the same size, and is attached to the hair follicle. So I had a great night of lice shampoo and drying everything on high high heat. Yeah good times.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Lovely Lovely

I finally got a 1A. I had to give away some injections but I got one. Last week I had 3 out of 4 patients cancel. This week I had 2 out of 3 patients cancel. So fun. Found out as I was getting in the car to go to school that my morning patient was up all night with food poisoning. Then one of the two kids that I had scheduled in the afternoon forgot to tell his mom he had a test. Lame. So Tori saved my bacon and gave me a patient of hers to call. He was a super nice guy that has been coming to Weber for years. I love that because they know just what to expect. He let me and Kayla trade off working on him and pass off millions of PEs. Great guy. Just happy to have a patient and to not waste the entire clinic.
My sick morning patient feeling good enough to come in after I saw my kid patient in the afternoon. Oddly enough all three of the patients refused x-rays. Weird.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Local Anesthetic Written Board

ITS DONE!!! So so happy right now. I am not sure if I passed but honestly who really cares at this point. Just glad it's not hanging over my head anymore. The actual test was not as bad as I expected. Done, Done, Done, Done!!!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Speedy Day

Today I learned something that was a very important thing for me. When I get into private practice I will survive. I have been in a sheer panic the last year and a half about what I am going to do when I graduate. How will I ever be fast enough? How will I ever be good enough? How will I have any idea what I am doing? What will I do without an instructer to check my work? Today at the VA I had two easy patients in the morning. They were the stereotypical private practice patient. Guess what I finished them in an hour without stressing, rushing, or panicing. When did that happen? I guess I haven't ever seen people like this. Then in the afternoon I had a patient that needed everything. I took all the x-rays, did all my own charting for a brand new pt, probing, scaling, and waiting forever in line for a scale check in an hour and a half. I did this with my head in a cloud and my nose running into my mask from the cold I am getting. I can do this.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Mockboard #2

Today was the last day I got to have Todd come translate for me. A little bittersweet. I don't even know how to explain perio anymore haha. I don't love having the afternoon pt. because I am always calm until I have to record for someone else. Then I get super nervous for the person and it freaks me out for the afternoon. I also learned that I need to study what paperwork goes where. All I can say is good thing it was a mockboard.
The morning went pretty smoothly. I didn't do so hot on my LA written practice test, no surprise there. I so need to start studying for that. Less than a week before I need to know it.
The cleaning went really well. I was really really careful. I ended up cleaning two quads instead of just one. My patient was Tori's morning mockboard that she was nice enough to share with me. We didn't want her to have to come back when she was already hanging out with us all day long so we just cleaned as fast as we could. Miraculously we both finished her in time. I did one very dumb thing. Forgot to put 0's in the recession box. Darn it. I won't forget that again.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Why I love the VA!!!!

I love the VA. Why you might ask, well I will explain. I love the people. All of them.

NUMBER 1: I love the girls I ride down with and eat lunch with. They make my day every time. They are amazing, talented, optimistic girls that I will miss drastically when this program is over. I love that I get to know them on a whole new level when we spend the whole day at the VA together. I get to have conversations that never would have happened without the VA, coversations about stuff that has nothing to do with teeth. It's awesome. We also seem to have a whole new group every time. I love the suprise of who will be the CA I get to hang out with today.
NUMBER 2: I love the patients. They make me feel so much better about life. They are usually pleasant and kind. They are usually patient with me and my learning. They are optimistic when I talk to them about trials and health problems they are going through. They help me to put my problems in perspective and realize that "Hey, this test, the one you have been freaking out about FOREVER, is NOT the end of the world."
NUMBER 3: I love the instructors. Getting to know them outside of class and Weber clinic is so fun. They all have something new to teach me, and they all have something unique to offer. They are so good about pointing out the good I do when it would be so easy to focus on my many many mistakes.

That pretty much sums it up. Thank you people, one and all, for making my life better.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Thank you Hygiene Gods

Later last night my pt cancelled. I love that feeling of terror. After almost draining my entire backup list I made it to my last ditch effort patient name. Guess what, someone else had already scheduled her on accident. But then praise that wonderful lady, she said she had a friend who wanted to come in. She ended up being the sweetest lady who also wants her kids to come in. Score. I love nice people. As I was walking her up to the front she says "Thanks for being so patient with me." I thought it was the opposite!
The afternoon I got the best news I have ever heard in my life. I almost started crying out of sheer relief. My sweet mother-in-law came down to get her teeth cleaned. Guess what. She is a board patient. Thank you Hygiene Gods. I had a major melt down last night and then look what happens. She is good to come down and be my mockboard patient too. I huge huge load just lifted off my chest. I am so so grateful right now. I will be on the lookout for everyone else now.

Friday, January 6, 2012

First Screening Experience

Today we went and did screenings at the elementary school. It was so much fun. Brooke was a pro with the kids. I did learn that I need need to work on my knowledge of childrens dentition. I will do that. The kids were adorable and it was fun to get out of the clinic for a bit.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Back in Business

Made sure I that I would have a nice easy way back into WSU clinic. I scheduled my most reliable easy class V pt. He is one of my very favorites. I would have him come back everyday if I could. I got to do the laser on him again. We also took samples of the plaque in the pocket we had done two previous laser treatments on and the opposite side of the arch that we were using as a control for Joy's study. It was so interesting to look at both of the samples under the microscope. The plaque was so different. I couldn't believe how much more active the plaque was that came from the pocket we didn't treat. Teeth are so freaking cool.
My afternoon pt. was one of Brooke's patients. She was fun. Very pleasant nice lady. She had a lot of plaque but I had her shinning by the time she left.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

First Day Back: VA Boot fun

Today was quite the jolt back into reality. It was kind of strange starting the semester out at the VA and not in class. Felt a little bit stupid with my double boot madness. I thought when I had the surgery that I would be out of boots by this point. Wrong. I brought a slipper to slip on so I could run the rheostat. To be specific I grabbed the right foot slipper because I am right handed. Didn't think that through too well since I actually run the rheostat with my left foot, oops. So I was gonna double boot it the whole day. It was amusing to say the least. I couldn't feel how much pressure I was putting on the pedal so I accidentally kept spraying my morning patient in the face with the ultrasonic. I bet he liked that. Then I had a new Dr. come and check my pt. I wasn't positive what his name was which created problems when he was walking the opposite way and I was trying to catch him in my two huge boots. I finally ended up yelling a mumbled version of what I thought his name was and hoped he would hear it as whatever his name really was. Good plan huh. I chased him around the entire square in the building before I got desperate enough to do this. Great fun. Welcome back to school.