Wednesday, February 22, 2012


Wah HaHa.  I am done.  Oh my goodness.  I totally and completely think I failed that silly test.  Okay so let me start with from the beginning.  I am not very smart.  So a week ago Karen, who is taking the test the day before me, mentioned that there was one week left to study.  So yeah I thought there was two weeks left for some reason.  Huh good planning.  Apparently my defense mechanism for the stress we have been under is to ignore the fact that anything is happening.  Not the best idea.  So I have had a serious cramming session everyday this week.  I have put in over 40 hours in one week studying for this darn thing.

Okay so this is how this thing went down.  That freaking hallway is about 40 miles long.
I started the long walk down it.  Then I walked in.  Okay I think I will skip a few details.  So I was feeling a bit discouraged taking the million question test.  The questions were all so random.  I felt like they were picking all the things they knew I had glanced at but couldn't quite remember the answer to.  Even things I knew they worded in the weirdest ways so that I had no idea what the heck was even going on.  So after 150 questions in the am part I was about ready to throw in the towel.  I always go over test questions twice so I started to go over them again.
Now it is no secret that I have what is possibly the smallest bladder known to man.  So going over that many questions twice was about all I could take.  I finally gave up reviewing half way through and left.
After talking to Sarah I ran to the bathroom as fast as I could.  I leaned over to flush after I was done and plop, I hear my phone drop right into the toilet.  I sat and stared at it for about 3 minutes deciding if it was really worth trying to get it out.  I started yelling eww eww eww and grabbed it really fast and ran to wash my hands.  Just the event to get me in the mood for another two hours of testing.
After hunting down a phone to borrow and calling Todd I met him to have a mini meltdown for the rest of the break.
Then I went in for the most ridiculous part.  The case studies.  Why, you might ask, are we answering two hours of case study questions when I took a test one week ago that was a two hour case study.  No one really knows.  Not only was it odd that we were taking yet another case study test but they were asking questions about x-rays that you couldn't see.  Yes even when you zoom in three times the x-rays were so small and dark that you couldn't answer any of the questions they were asking about them.  And every time you clicked to the next question the screen would reset and you would have to zoom in again to read any of the HH or see the x-rays again.  Not the best designed test.  You would think that with all of the students paying the ridiculous amount that we are paying for that test that they could hire someone to make it a little more realistic and less of a guessing game.
I didn't even bother trying to review those questions I just got the heck out of there.  Then I went out to lunch with Todd.  Turns out that the Pizza Factory has some screamin lunch deals.  End of Story.


  1. Wow Leigh, that is a good story to go with an even BETTER test. I'm glad Todd was there to comfort you and go to lunch with you. Now I want to check out the Pizza Factory deals!
