Friday, October 7, 2011

Children's Health Connection and Sharpening Party

Today I get to hang out with Maren again. Yeah I don't think I have seen her since the Women's Health Connection because we are now in opposite clinics. It's a bit lame. We are doing x-rays all day today. Party. The little kids so far have been adorable. Some of them are pretty nervous but it always surprises me just how much they can do.

Today is the Children's Health Connection
Way better than any election
I get to hang with some pretty cool gals
I feel lucky to call them my pals
Good kids and bad there have been a few screamers
Maybe the next one won't yell, yes we are dreamers
Halloween costumes, I know them all
Talking about candy, makes them not bawl
Massages by Heather
Makes me feel light as a feather
Fun is had by all
What a wonderful event for the fall

Down time=massage time

On Saturday I signed up as hygienist. It was so much fun and I finally feel comfortable cleaning kids. I have only really cleaned two kids before and it wasn't my best day. Some of the kids had more calculus than some of the adults I have seen, it's pretty amazing.

Jen is so awesome and came up out of the goodness of her heart after work on Friday to help us sharpen. I love my Gleason Guide. It was a serious party. Thanks Jen!


  1. LOL! I had such a blast. I'm glad someone can appreciate my humor.
    Leigh, I love the photo of you in the radiology chair. HILARIOUS!

  2. You are a riot! Who knew you were a poet? I love that you add great pictures to your blog. You will enjoy that you did a couple years from now. I appreciate that you have stayed current with your posts! Good job!
