Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Lab day

After a morning of seeing my class IV patient we had our first lab day. It was quite relaxing. We learned how to use the right and left ultrasonic, files, laser, saliva testing, and reviewed blood glucose. It was a nice day. I have experimented with my right and left and files in the last few clinics and it was nice to learn the real way to use them in a clinic setting. I am excited to try out my new tricks on my next hard patient, which seems to be every clinic day. Turns out I was using the files in the wrong direction, explains why they didn't seem to work too well. The laser is sweet. Joy let me use it on my patient the last clinic and it was fun. It was a good review and good practice. I enjoyed watching everyone's reaction to the saliva test. Lots of gagging. Emily was my favorite. I thought she was going to loose it. That is all

1 comment:

  1. You and I will be done with our class III patient's this semester I bet. But that's good, these patient's teach me a lot. Good experiences. It was nice getting to learn more about the files and right and left ultrasonics. Yeah, Emily cracked me up when she saw my spit. ;)
