Tuesday, October 11, 2011

First Mockboard!

Today was our first mockboard. I was scheduled for the afternoon and haven't been too nervous for it until I was assisting as the patients were being checked. I am so so glad I go to Weber and have teachers that prepare us so well for the board exams. I can't imagine what a wreak we would be without it. I had the nicest, most patient pt. ever and had my sweet husband there once again to translate. I didn't realize just how much I depend on the instructors. When I have a piece of calculus that is difficult or when I can't tell if it is calculus or irregular tooth structure I just do my best and say "oh well, I will see what my instructor says." This really opened my eyes that I need to ease off of that dependence. It will not be that way in the real world. Anyway we survived and the best ice cream pod wrap and will move on. Glad it's over.


  1. Good job today Leigh! Your husband is so sweet for being there with you today. I liked the ice cream too. I had the carmel one and it melted in my mouth. Yummy!

  2. I was the same way with mockboards. I didnt feel nervous until I started setting up my unit for the afternoon. Funny how that works. It is hard to tell sometimes if its calculus or root structure,your not alone in that. Nice job and I too am glad its over.
