Tuesday, October 25, 2011

IVs anyone

Cool cool cool, LA is so cool
I like when I can do it without looking like a fool
Today was like a party
11 injections makes me feel like a smarty

Today was fun. I finished my Eaglesoft IV pt. in the morning. She was so sweet. When she got to the clinic she told me how much better her teeth have been feeling since I cleaned them. Her tissues on the quads I had already cleaned looked so much better. I LOVE when you can see such a huge difference! I got to use my right and left ultrasonics, the files, and gracey's. It was good to feel a little bit better about them. Then since Todd was conveniently there translating like he always is I made him chew on a piece of wax so I could pass off my saliva PE.
The afternoon went well too. I got to give my pt. 8 injections. They went fantastically. I felt so much more confident than last week. I seriously love injections.


  1. I'm jealous Leigh! I have not once yet even had the slightest chance to give injections! I'm thinking I may have to ask the dentists at the VA to hook me up for practice! But way to go! I bet you were fantastic!

  2. Good job Leigh on the injections. I haven't given any yet and I am hoping I haven't forgotten.
    I would love to find a class IV. I am nervous that I won't find one.
