Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Lab Day!

Today started well. I had a super nice class III lady this morning. She asked so so many questions. I felt like I was taking an oral quiz on how to explain everything I have learned in the last year and a half. It is so fun to have a pt. that actually cares about what you have to tell them. She was a golden pt. She had been a nurse for 20 years and was so interested in all the physiological aspects of what we do. It was quite exciting. Loved it. Passed off the last of my fall PE's, Hooray. I also had a great learning experience with her as well. All of her mandibular molars were crowns with 7mm pockets. I learned how to really scale around crowns so much better than I have ever been able to. Dr. Hanson taught me a new way to have the suction so that it is manageable for me and the pt. and how to sit to ultrasonic in a more ergonomic position.
It was quite relaxing knowing that we had a lab in the afternoon. I got to go home for lunch and stroll in last minute before lab started. So nice. In the lab we went over the Velscope, reviewed disaster protocol, transferring wheelchair pts to the dental chair, desensitizing agents, and played with little hotdogs that turned into people in the wet lab. It was actually a really interesting and fun lab. I loved the Velscope. Other than having the older version that weighs a million pounds and costs a small fortune it was pretty amazing. I hope we get to use it a lot in the future. Heather got to be the demo girl in my group. She made the most amazing paraplegic, it was quite impressive.

Extra-oral and accessory fulcrums

The Velscope was pretty sweet

We are so stylish

Always love the socks
Feeling the love?

Sam considering if this is really worth 5 PAs....
Marianne is a pro
I broke my hotdog!
Our efforts to stay focused failed. We ended up with hotdog people instead.

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