Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Last Day of Fall Clinic

I am finally starting to roll with the punches when a pt. cancels. Don't worry it only took me a full year of panic when calling to confirm to get to this point. There have been a couple of time when I have rolled up in a ball in the corner and made Todd start calling random people for me. So once again another pt. cancels and I had the opportunity to experience the pt. list for the first time. I feel lucky I have never had to use it before. It ended up being a great experience.
My morning started out with yet another class III pt. And I am proud to say that I finished her whole mouth plus x-rays in one apt! I didn't want her to have to wait until January to get her finished so I booked it the whole time. Still struggling with classifications but working on it.
My goal for next semester is real world application. I am going to ask my instructor to help me know what to walk the pt. out as at every apt. so that in a real dental office I know more of what I am doing. I understand the concept between the different codes but have a hard time knowing which one to use.
The afternoon last minute patient was awesome. She was a 1B and the most pleasant person ever. She let me and Brooke pass off the Velscope on her and I got a conventional pano. It was a relaxing and perfect way to end my fall clinic schedule.
Now if only we could skip all of our tests and go straight to Christmas Break....


  1. Class III in one appointment?! That's awesome!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Im in agreeance with Maren, really in one appt? I need to step up my game plan!! I think your dea about the pt walk out codes sounds like a great idea...duh why havent we done this all along? Nice way to end your clinic day! Have a great x-mas break!
